Vladislav Naumov

Contact me:
email: vnaum@vnaum.com
github: vnaum

Personal data

Born in 1979 in Omsk, Russia. Married, 3 kids.


Some code / text snippets I've written in different languages: perl c python javascript English Russian

Employment History

Lead devops / SRE


August 2022 — June 2024

Supporting company infrastructure, migrating site from VMs in Selectel to VMs in Yandex.Cloud, then to managed K8s. Refactoring company blog, migrated from Wordpress to static site generation.

Gitlab, K8s, Docker, ArgoCD, Helm, Terraform+Yandex.Cloud, Cloudflare.

Devops engineer

Plesk (WebPros)

November 2021 — May 2022

Maintaining internal services for core development team. Jenkins, Docker, Terraform+AWS

Engineer / Devops


2010 - October 2021

Processing biological data on AWS clusters. Ruby on Rails developer, a lot of code on Perl, bash/Python, some Javascript. nginx, AWS api, data stored on s3, Ubuntu servers managed with Ansible. 800Gb database in RDS + Postgres.



2015 — 2018

Deployment / testing / misc. automation for ~40 Django projects (Ansible, Jenkins). Git repo maintenance / code review tinkering (Gerrit, Jenkins).


Global Domains International, Inc.

2006 - 2013

Introduced SVN and Trac to development team (not cool nowadays, but they didn't use any revision control or issue tracking at all). Written all the deployment scripts. Did major code and database cleanup using simple set of scripts. Removed 1/3 of codebase and ~200 data tables without causing any service outages. Migrated 80K email users from old IMAP server into Zimbra using custom Python script (transferred messages, folders, address books and settings). Zimbra maintenance (reports, configuration, upgrades, API for integration with existing codebase). Migrated 140K hosting users from old to new cluster. Managed ~20 RHEL/Centos servers. Developed custom Trac plugins/reports. Tested and implemented GFS2 clusters.



2006 - 2008

Maintained really old mod_perl / HTML::Mason dating site. Completely rewritten billing subsystem, implemented SVN, cleaned up codebase, updated to mod_perl2.

Developer / Administrator

Laboratory Systems 321

2003 - 2006

mid-sized network (~100 computers), ~15 servers (suse, debian, windows). supported C++/QT application (report generator) on both windows and linux. A lot of shell/perl scripting (for administrative needs). apache, postfix, oracle, mysql, postgresql, bind, dhcp, svn...

Security Administrator

Russian Agricultural Bank

2006 - 2006

networks, data security, ipsec, cisco, freebsd, crypto.



2001 - 2003

~50 windows / autocad workstations, network to support.


Omsk State University

2000 - 2003

3 classes of computers (totalling ~45 PCs), ~5 servers (windows/linux).

Administrator / Developer

Omsk state children clinic #2

1998 - 2003

Small network (5 PCs), FoxPro database (maintenance and development). Y2K problem solved successfully :-)

Other Experience

OSS administration

Nginx, Rails, Apache, Postfix, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Samba, Git, SVN


Omsk State University, applied math / computer science (incomplete)

09/1996 - 06/2000